30 Apr

Munich Brain Day 2024

Opening hours / Beginning:

9:00 am - 6:00 pm

30 April 2024


Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence Am Klopferspitz 18 82152 Planegg-Martinsried

The Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain & Mind (MCN-LMU), together with its partners at LMU Munich, TUM, and the Max-Planck Institutes announce the continuation of last year's successful initiative.

The one-day event aims to bring the Munich neuroscience community together, fostering the exchange of ideas and catalyzing innovative interdisciplinary research. The format will raise the profile of early career scientists, with a particular emphasis on increasing diversity.

In addition to 20-minute short talks, students and postdocs will have the opportunity to present their work in a datablitz and poster session. Lucrative prizes will go to the best posters.

The day will be rounded out by a plenary lecture by Paola Arlotta (Harvard), who will be awarded an honorary doctorate by the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU) as part of the event.

The lecture is hosted by Professor Benedikt Grothe, Founder and Director of MCN-LMU and GSN-LMU, and the laudatio will be held by Professor Magdalena Götz (LMU).

You can find more information on the MCN-LMU and GSN-LMU websites.

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