
No Room for Antisemitism at LMU!

3 May 2024

Update: according to current knowledge the demonstration has been moved by the City of Munich

It has been reported that another demonstration by a group called “Unikomittee für Palästina” has been announced for this evening at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz in Munich. This group is not affiliated with LMU. Events held at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz fall under the jurisdiction of the Munich city authorities. Upon inquiry we were informed that this demonstration has been registered with the Munich city authorities and is known to the police. LMU was not involved in the registration process. In the past, LMU Munich has tried to persuade the city of Munich to consider relocating demonstrations from Geschwister-Scholl-Platz to alternative venues, especially in the case of rallies on politically sensitive issues.

LMU Munich rejects the demands outlined in the groups flyer. LMU reaffirms its solidarity with its partner institutions in Israel and with Israeli and Jewish students and academics and unequivocally opposes all forms of antisemitism and discrimination.

As stated before, LMU is an open space for research, teaching, and learning. It is crucial that all members and visitors of our university– regardless of their background or religious belief – encounter a safe environment. Violence, weapons, threats, intimidation, harassment, and discrimination of any kind are unacceptable at LMU.

As a member of the German Rectors’ Conference and of German U15, LMU fully supports and endorses the positions of these organizations.

German Rectors’ Conference: statement

German U15

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